Civilization, Barbarism and the Marxist view of History
This article by Alan Woods deals with barbarism and the development of human society. In post-modern writing, history appears as an essentially meaningless and inexplicable series of random events or...
View ArticleWhat is dialectical materialism? - A study guide with questions, extracts and...
We are publishing the first of what will be a series of Marxist study guides. The purpose is to provide a basic explanation of the fundamental ideas of Marxism with a guide to further reading and...
View ArticleWhat is historical materialism? - A study guide with questions, extracts and...
We are publishing our second study guide on historical materialism. Historical Materialism is the application of Marxist science to historical development. The fundamental proposition of historical...
View ArticleOrigin of the family: In Defence of Engels and Morgan
“The great antiquity of mankind upon the earth has been conclusively established”, wrote the American anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan in the opening preface of his pioneering work Ancient Society,...
View ArticleAn introduction to historical materialism - part one
Today we begin the serialisation of a new work by Alan Woods, which provides a comprehensive explanation of the Marxist method of analysing history. This first article establishes the scientific basis...
View ArticleAn introduction to historical materialism - part two
The whole of human history consists precisely in the struggle of humankind to raise itself above the animal level. This long struggle began seven million years ago, when our remote humanoid ancestors...
View ArticleAn introduction to historical materialism - part three
In the third part of his article on historical materialism Alan Woods takes a closer look at the earliest forms of class society.
View ArticleAn introduction to historical materialism - part four
In this fourth part of the series, Alan Woods traces the history of feudalism from its rise to its inevitable downfall in the age of the bourgeois revolutions.
View ArticleAn introduction to historical materialism - part five
In the fifth and final part of his series Alan Woods explains the significance of the Russian Revolution as the first attempt of humanity to break free from class society.
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